
EOS European AM XcellenceDays 2024 | 7.-8. May

This remarkable event will take place from May 7th to 8th at the Sauber Motorsport AG facility in Hinwil, Switzerland, and promises to be a unique experience. Under the slogan "Additive Manufacturing: Fuel Your Productivity. Race Together to Success", our program is designed to immerse you in the latest innovations in additive manufacturing.

Through a dynamic line-up of presentations and workshops, we aim to provide valuable insights. Different seminars will showcase the diverse applications of this exciting technology across multiple industries and its potential to revolutionize traditional manufacturing processes.

EOS European AM XcellenceDays is an exclusive event tailored for a selected number of our key customers and partners. This event provides a unique opportunity to share, deepen knowledge, and explore the latest developments in industrial 3D printing.

Event Location

Sauber Motorsport AG
Wildbach Street 9

8340 Hinwil, Switzerland

Register Now

Event Presentation

After the EOS European AM XcellenceDays 2024 we will make the presentations we are allowed to publish available for you to download here.

This may take about 2 weeks after the conference, we kindly ask for your understanding and suggest you reload the page at a later date.

Our Host: Sauber Motorsport AG

Cutting-edge Technology Meets Swiss Precision

When Peter Sauber founded Sauber AG in the Zurich Oberland more than 50 years ago, the direction and the goal were clear - upwards, to the top of the world.

"With pioneering spirit, passion, creativity and technical know-how, groundbreaking solutions were developed in Hinwil. We have set ourselves the goal of making this knowledge accessible and thus making a contribution to the world of tomorrow. We are driven by the will to push the boundaries of what is possible at all times."
