Correlation of In-Process Monitoring Data and Mechanical Properties of Lattice Structures
Free Whitepaper
This paper shows that EOSTATE ExposureOT is capable of assessing the fundamental lattice parameters in situ during the building process. Transferring this knowledge to the
relevant application can significantly reduce the effort associated with non-destructive or destructive testing.
Download the whitepaper "Correlation of In-Process Monitoring Data and Mechanical Properties of Lattice Structures" and get deep insight about the EOSTATE Exposure OT monitoring system when building porous or lattice structures.
The monitoring system EOSTATE ExposureOT can be used to assess the relative density and compression strength of lattice structures. Any decrease in energy density that results in a lower EOSTATE ExposureOT value leads to a decrease in strut thickness
and therefore a lower relative density.
This method therefore allows fundamental lattice parameters to be evaluated in situ during the build process. Transferring this knowledge to the related application can significantly reduce the effort associated with non-destructive or destructive testing.
This whitepaper gives information about:
- Producing or planning on producing porous structures by means of additive manufacturing
- Assessing mechanical properties of lattice structures during the build
- State-of-the-art alternatives to cost-intensive quality assurance methods